
Showing posts from March, 2021

US Devastation in South America

A carbon copy of US destabilisation and exploitation in Honduras  to set with El Salvador the highest homicide rate in the world  install a US puppet dictator and privatise as a neoliberal economy with an oppressive IMF loan to cheat and bankrupt the nation and the consequent loss of jobs and an increase in gang violence.  POETRY 

American Tyranny

Honduras is just another example of US destabilisation  and exploitation by the IMF with the installation of the puppet President Hernandez  as a dictator by the military  where 67% of the people live in abject fear and poverty  and capitalist anarchy rules  as gangs blatantly roam and assassinate with impunity.  POETRY 

Murder by Neglect

Kevil Wingo a black man from Cobb County was arrested and imprisoned  at the Adult Detention Center for virtually nothing was suffering from a perforated ulcer but diagnosed for detox by a 'doctor' and transferred to the infirmary to collapse in pain  but despite repeated falls and complaints was treated by the nurse Visser  as a malingerer  and wheeled to the isolation tank dumped on the floor and abandoned to writhe in agony and eventually die.  POETRY 

Lynch Mentality

A retired police captain named Curtis Reeves  deliberately provoked a patron  for texting messages in a nearby cinema seat  and for answering back angrily  reacted by drawing a pistol and shot him dead. POETRY 

Climate Change

A mildewed sky weeps tears of blame  obscuring the sun hiding behind dark clouds of mourning preparing to shine  and burn our world to glowering ashes. POETRY  


Reasons compete with alibis and fantasies  when deciding between alliances  and irresponsible adventures with call girls  intermixed with unnatural desires  and the wish to be possessed and admired. POETRY 


The mist rolled in like sin engulfing in a grey world  of formless shapes crouching and creeping  as the dampness smothered and circulated darkly an enemy closing in to keep the light at bay  clammy and dank it hovered waiting complacently.  POETRY 


Americans don't seem to know or care about  the havoc - misery and devastation  their rulers have caused the nations of Africa  the Middle East and South America  worse than the treatment of its own citizenry.  POETRY 

America's Legacy of Inhumanity

Desperation drives immigrants to escape economic poverty  and ironically attempt to find sanctuary  in America where millions can't find work and are homeless  governed by Zionist/Nazi demagogues who have destabilised and exploited the Middle East - Africa  -South America and installed  dictators  then have used the world bank and the I M F to bankrupt them.  POETRY 

American Injustice

Dalton Aiken shot to kill a young homeless man  for no better reason than to get rid of a bum who wouldn't be missed  and was sentenced  to just ten years and they call it American equity.  POETRY 

American Justice

Americans regularly claim their justice system  is the best in the world  which is ridiculous because it's based on a lie  that adversarial equity  is patently better than any other when it is not  because it permits lies  by pretending evidence under oath is the truth  including even perjury  since the defence may need to deny the facts  to successfully defend  which encourages duplicity instead of honesty by the selected judges  who are far from unbiased political appointees.  POETRY 

Masochism in America

Under capitalism money rules and homicides are on the rise  with Americans addicted to bloodshed  gladiators brawling and pretending they are  Roman warriors  the courts overflowing with homicides  and the media wallowing in the depravity of real life felonies  sodomy - incest - sadism - and cruelty  by uxoricide - matricide - patricide - fratricide and infanticide  with greed the main motive for murder by family members cashing in on the spouse's life insurance followed by covetousness and enmity  with substance abuse the main justification for many crimes. by family members cashing in on the spouse's  life insurance  followed by covetousness and malice  with substance abuse the main justification for many of them.  POETRY  


Never is a long time for the duration of whatever didn't happen a disinclination to accept by denying it ever existed  by way of dissociating by pretending to be innocent or ignorant  with definitely no knowledge of the time in question  and disappearing completely into another imaginary dimension.  POETRY 

Degrees of Happiness

Stale screams and warm beer from worn-out parties  celebrating a birthday or was it a death?  a reason anyway to get high on alcohol and ecstasy.  POETRY 

The Betrayal

Sarah Jane Parkinson destroyed the lives of her fiance and his parents  with numerous fake allegations of rape and persecution  police accepted  until her cheating was eventually discovered years later  was found guilty  and sentenced to just three years for duplicity and fraud.  POETRY 

The Stink of Corruption

How can a proven drug addicted dirty fighter  Tyson Fury be allowed to fight for  the heavyweight championship of the world?  POETRY 


Violent entertainment advertised as dirty boxing  crazy men and women try to beat each other encouraged by the referee within a triangular cage  until one is too injured or concussed to continue.  POETRY 


Feisty old men are allowed to fight bare knuckle  against young and virile opponents  who then bash the hell  out of every one of them.  POETRY 

The Myth of Innocence

An innocent Ana Kriegel aged fourteen was brutally murdered   and sexually assaulted by two thirteen years old boys  one of whom possessed a vast array of pornographic imagery and both lied to the police and denied being involved until the evidence and the jury's verdict found them to be guilty  although not named they should be eligible for parole  in their early twenties but unless rehabilitated will again be able  to plan more violent crimes as predatory psychopaths  because they showed no remorse whatsoever for their atrocity.  POETRY 


Dissonant are the timorous episodes and dreams  subconsciously threatening  juxtaposed scenes detached from reason's grasp  dark themes that disappear  returning as terror to relentlessly control and taunt. POETRY 

Symphonic Impressions

Muted sounds swell to a crescendo of ecstatic joy  expanding and enveloping a blissful tempo rapturously increasing and falling  to the rhythm of the drums mellifluous woodwinds and the palpitating strings  loud and portentous brass to eventually end with a climactic cymbalic clash.  POETRY  eventually ending with a climactic cymballic clash.   

The Evolution of Honey

Webs of delicate lace intricately patterned maps  for honeycombed cats  emblazoned with rebellious coats of sealing wax an ingenious invention  nectar woven locally to mass produce as money.  POETRY 


Indistinct pink disappears eventually as a memory  blushing in the afterglow  of burning coals stammering in the empty solitude complacently displaying  charcoal sketches of dead trees looming dreamily  contradictory paradoxes  to contaminate discernment with petulant hauteur.  POETRY 


In an unhappy environment or sick society  it's easier to live a lie  and pretend to be someone to be admired  tough and respected  instead of being sneered at or intimidated  for being fainthearted  where your birthright is like a sweepstake  with scant opportunity  to be a successful capitalist businessman.  POETRY 


The most atrocious criminals and seemingly sensible citizens  take heart from the belief that God forgives sins because they have been raised to believe in fanciful miracles  so they don't dare doubt the bible or the gospel  for which there is zero evidence according to biblical scholars and are fiction with no proof Jesus ever existed  thus Christianity is a scam to enrich an already wealthy church. ' POETRY 


Michael Jones killed his wife  hid the corpse and drowned his four children  before he finally surrendered  as the tides of anarchy sweep across the US with millions suffering poverty  and unable to get jobs are robbed by the rich  segregated in their  colonies.  POETRY  with millions suffering poverty  and unable to get jobs are robbed by the rich  segregated in gated colonies 

Indifference and Infanticide

Lonzie Barton already had a fractured skull  when Lonna Barton and her lover Ruben  said they locked the toddler in the bathroom  where it was alleged he drowned himself  while they were - supposedly - enjoying sex then after both blatantly lied to the police  were granted plea deals by the prosecution even before receiving the autopsy results  when in fact they had disposed of his body  after pretending it had been a kidnapping. when in fact they had disposed of his body  and before receiving the autopsy results.      

Fictional Icons

Americans love their imaginary heroes  the marines - Navy Seals and Green Berets  trained killers who rape and devastate  supposedly to serve and protect the people  sort of legendary supermen or batmen whose popularity exists only in comic strips or in the immature thoughts of children.  kenwsimpson/  POETRY   

Tough Guys

Legal savagery in the boxing ring  bare knuckle without the protection of gloves  including the worst of martial arts  holding while hitting to mutilate the opponent  manna from heaven  for fight fans.  POETRY 

Cop Out

Psychopathic killers have a tendency to use God as a crutch  to forgive their atrocious crimes  and to justify their existence despite forgetting their victims.  POETRY 

Nolle Prosequi

An ex American mayor Dale Massad  shot at and threatened a SWAT team who tried to arrest him at his property  was eventually found guilty at his trial  but thanks to his wealth and influence  in a plea deal he was given probation. POETRY   

Ego Farms

You don't need to be a genius in America  to qualify for degrees which are happily distributed like confetti  for Phds and Masters  or buy your fake accomplishments online.  POETRY 

Paradoxical Values

The US starves innocent civilians by using sanctions in Venezuela - Syria - and Yemen  supports Zionism's genocide against the Palestinians  has committed the most atrocious  atrocities in Vietnam and torture in Iraq at Abu Ghraib  yet continues to pursue the killing  of the Washington Post arms dealer Jamal Khashoggi. 


Boxing is a fierce sport in which the brave and brutal survive  by destroying their opponents  inside the boxing ring by punching ruthlessly and mercilessly  and on the outside by trickery  leaving dementia and spattered bloodstains as their legacies.  POETRY