
Showing posts from July, 2021

A Lament

After WW2 there were two Americas - one with the atom bomb and the other peaceful America  amidst Pete Seeger's hootenanny singalongs at the Village Gate  as Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn  began smearing decent people with allegations of Communism  and the U S began destabilising  then exploiting nations and installing dictators in South America  the Middle East and Yugoslavia  some bravely sang We Shall Overcome and Blowin' in the Wind. 


Deceptively and unpredictably - it seemed - the scene changed from serene and bright  as scudding clouds impetuously fled across a misanthropic sky  to dark and menacing when the sea erupted wildly to engulf a cowering countryside. 


The worst kind of criminals wear suits and ties  and pretend to be respectable leaders in the community of political poltroons  drug kings and entrepreneurs who rob the poor and live in fear of retribution. 


Dreams are a form of subconscious reality  that may be frightening and surreal  since they are based on mental activities  and are bizarrely incomprehensible  yet they are real and do reflect personality. 


Love is unpredictable but real and exists in the mind for humans pets and places  hijacked by religion and Disneyland it is never divine  but creates a magical bond  between people and an enormous diversity of lovers.

Planned Parenthood

There's little virtue in being celibate in America  where sex although squalid is given and  taken with gay abandon by minors who despite their immaturity  experiment with drugs and alcohol emotionally.  .


 When a once great nation degenerates  but continues to imagine it is exceptional  in a cultural vacuum where truth is a lie  fools govern and fantasy replaces reality  as its vibrancy and culture decompose.


Two minute grabs on YouTube to hold your attention mainly horrific accidents on freeways  or boats engulfed by the ocean and about to founder will delight and also entertain sadists  and promote healthy learning standards in hospitals. 

The Inconsolable Sea

Aqueous blue-green ocean swells  solemn and deep hide flotillas of multi-coloured fish  Poseidon's riches tormented by frantic gusts of wind  and gigantic seas  a tsunami that gobbles up houses  at ocean beaches  translucent beneath a Satanic sky.   tormented by frantic gustss  

The Living Lie

The biggest rogues on the extreme right  are the hand on heart bible bashing  hypocritical pretentious patriotic racists  the jingoistic and the sanctimonious  conservative white supremacist fascists. 


In America fact gets so mixed up with fiction that episodes of the Sopranos  get included as part of the morning TV news  and Marlon Brando may enter  as the Godfather with Al Pacino and De Niro  since we know ghosts are real  and that aliens have been sighted in the sky. 

Cultural Values

Feuds flourish on the Internet between truth tellers and liars  by smear and innuendo  and absurd allegations that have no basis in fact or in fiction  since honesty and truth  are the enemy of war mongering white supremacist fascists.


Children deserve a chance to develop naturally  and not be physically and sexually abused  by their violent and vindictive predatory parents  who rob them of their innocence and pride  along the sad trek to disillusionment and death. 


Those who can't accept the truth  are doomed to live a lie and its consequential culpability.  kenwsimpson.blogspot,com 

The Truth of a Lie

Can America make peace with its history of infamy? It can by confessing it lied that slogans such as  'a war on terror' were invented to cover up US dishonesty  and the destabilisation of representative democracy. and destabilise 


The constant demand for contributions by political parties  who represent the rich yet are supported by relatively poor unrepresented voters  is obviously dishonest  since the bait used is the donation's tax deductable status. 

The Democracy Delusion

Americans still imagine America is democratic and free  when it is in fact a totalitarian oligarchy  because pseudo democrats pretend to be in opposition  when they are little different essentially  and support sanctioning Venezuela and bombing Syria.,