People's beliefs are supposed to be sacrosanct even if they are illogical or subject to ridicule and taken advantage of by politicians and priests who hoodwinkl the gullible by pandering to them.
Elections are won by trickery and deception when all the candidates of opposing parties get backed by the same Wall Street corporations a debased capitalist democracy never loses.
The heroes of today are truth tellers who refuse to spout propaganda for the bigoted mainstream media or for Wall Street's corporations and choose honesty over corruption.
America was on the road to ruin afrer the war in Europe ended when Truman dropped the atom bombs on Japanese civilians Eisenhower used death squads to destabilise Guatemala and began a process of bullying throughout parts of Asia the Middle East, South America Africa and Yugoslavia to eventually destabilise Ukraine.
If you pretend the Russians are losing how will you explain the death in action of the Azov brigade employed by the US or the collapse of the Ukrainian army?
When you are unable to detect the sun shining in your face or listen to the lies being yelled into both your wax free ears remedial lenses or hearing aids will never help you catch on or flee from the lure of illusions.
When the waves were on the wane and the day nearly new with an excess of verbal mendacity before the sun bragged about adventures on the other side some miserable clouds cried and drowned our brutal world.
The Russians are coming hurrah - hurrah to burn you with napalm like the US did against Vietnamese kids or deep fry you with white phosphorus at their behest to the Syrians and Arabs.
When things are not going right for you and you need help in times of trouble who do you turn to? a pedophile priest? to your elected political representative or pray to a myth? asserting your belief in the human race.
There are those who will love and help you and others who will hate and hurt you but you can forgive evil people who repent without removing their transgressions as monuments to the barbarity of humanity.
America is both the Wizard of Oz and the cowardly lion a decrepit manipulating schemer and imitation Batman with zero credentials as a nation.
When you live in a world of propaganda disinformation and lies you discard reality into the rubbish can to exist in fantasy land with the miracles, myths, and fairy-tales.
Tucker Carlson of Fox News dared to tell the truth but was reviled for so doing because the people are supposed to believe lies.
Allen Dulles and Prescott Bush funded the Nazis from their Union Bank in New York but after the war instead of being tried for treason Allen Dulles became head of the CIA and Bush became a senator and began his dynasty while Allen Dulles stage-managed the Warren Commission coverup after the murder and ever since the Nazis have led America into abyss of vicious wars and conquest with depraved and deceitful minds as the hypocritical and greedy Satanic world bully.
Capitalism clings like a limpet to its fantasies and theistic myths to Christianity and a saviour that doesn't exist using propaganda disinformation and lies to program the people.
Capitalism is a reactionary system of government that evolved from the Middle Ages with serfs and peasants subservient to aristocrats which pretended to be democratic but continued with its policy to enslave the people under a despotic New World Order to return to the time of a master-slave relationship.
Let's be patriotic and sing a hymn to American exceptionalism God's own country for the indigent the homeless without jobs and the wealthy living off legacies.
Absolution is the alibi many criminals use to justify as a motive but fail to realise it is as phoney as a god and that any penalty does not remove the reality of the felony.
Disconcerting moments plague me everyday with problems that persecute persistently and aggravatingly to create worry my happiness destroyed by recurring dispute flaring brightly before dying disconsolately like a damp squib.
Worry wanders along interrupting and tugging at an angry outburst that happened yesterday between two friends reviving controversy while wilfully continuing to annoy and provoke.
The immortality of memories that live on eternally modified by maturity and age like the aftertaste of a wine or a smile that lingers forgetting distasteful flavours in a momentary recreation of a remembered love.
The decay of humanity permeates the polluted air poisonous and putrid Vocal exhortations to apologise from serial killers fermenting and frying Contorted malapropisms abused or dismembered dealing in destruction Massacres of innocents replayed again and again to a Wagnerian hymn Or a prelude to the acquittal of a genocidal patriot.
Disagreements can fester like an open wound when the necessary remedy is not some irrational belief in the supernatural some god given gift or fable but our inheritance as an evolving human race.
Life is more about hypocrisy and lies than truth and honesty since slippery words flow expediently and are easier to digest than the shock of reality and candour.
Are we so abysmally brainless that we waste our lives glued to our television screens as though to an oracle or the philosophies of Aristotle?