Litigation is the hunting ground for predatory lawyers to charge extortionate amounts for the cost of justice which should be honest and free.
Contemplate the invisible wind by the waving branches with palpitating leaves of trees or the cascading waves jostling in a tumultuous ocean.
Progress and the art of achieving is always getting closer but never arrives when expected like marrying a fantasy that happens to be a catastrophe.
The night was cold and callous visiting a murder scene during a thunderstorm naturally hurrying towards shelter old and ugly with dirt great brick dribbling drops of water like blood flowing down a drain dead eyes gazing sadly and beseechingly at the clouds.
Happiness flees from the snares of despair plagued by sorrow and dreams that magnify and distort images dismal and sinister seeking solace in the desperation of others.
Valour increases the value of human sacrifice as a justification for attacking with dying as collateral damage in Wall Street.
Petulance perches like a bird with a wilted wing as the day begins to wane and shadows casually undulate across the land merging with the darkness obliterating a woebegone and exasperated day.
Two Hollywood creatures from fantasyland Johnny Depp resembling a cannibal and Amber Heard attired in a fashionable suit appearing stern and sanctimonious the stars of an American courtroom charade.
Mercenaries were recruited - equipped and trained by America with weapons of war to murder Syrians Today the US is stoking the flames in the Ukraine against Putin.
When the sea comes rushing in let the storm decide if we embrace the past or loiter with a fearful future waiting like a rejected politician.
What price peace when the wind sops blowing and the sky behind to worry dogs are howling in the chasms of a nightmare upside down incongruously and fishermen sow the seas with despondency.
They speak the same language but belong to another race live in mansions in gated communities excessively rich Americans oligarchs next to the Mafiosi so different from the rest of America it is like comparing British aristocrats with Nigerian natives.
The US is attacking Russia by proxy from Poland by encouraging the Ukrainian army to keep fighting for an American fascist oligarchy.
I resent the indecency of greed the backbone of capitalism that creates a lair and hypocrite of every putative Christian who live out artificial existences divorced from a philosophy and worship their god Mammon.
Surrounded as we are by a fortress of fatuity propaganda - disinformation - and lies our only hope for a better future for everyone is the banishment of Biden and Trump as candidates in future presidential elections.
Were Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn secret lovers ? the question intrigues me because it is well known that Roy Cohn was gay and sexually promiscuous but was Joe McCarthy also a closet homosexual?
AOC who was once a progressive is now a negative and Amy Goodman once to the left is moving right with the quickness of a rattlesnake.
If we can breed superior cattle it is surely possible to create a better human race by erasing ghettos ensuring every child is treated equally and fondly to be able to think innovatively and led vocationally toward the best possible future.
You can screech all you like in the loneliness of the night because nobody will listen except in nightmares and creatures that taunt and terrify.
Uncertainty skims the surface of profundity searching for answers while immaturity hides behind a tree trunk waiting for something to develop like a photograph in.a dark room.
Detours to destruction yawn invitingly along the way to hungrily gobble up victims as prey while protests wait and speculate from the sidelines.
Consciousness is an awareness of being alive which is where reality begins but can end if illusions take the place of reason with deception as at the motive for substituting the transcendental for the truth.
Change for the better is desperately needed in a corrupt and decadent America where the progressive movement is melting like ice-cream on a hot summer's day lacking leadership except for the valiant few who are not politicians or reporters but US scholars - the Duran - and Gray Zone.
Born to live with minds to think and understand the meaning of our existence as individuals in our evolutionary adventure minus faith in man-made myths of eternal life with the angels in paradise or hades with Jesus.
Smoking cigarettes is being heavily promoted in movies by actors puffing loyally to advertise cigarettes that kill from lung cancer all those who stupidly smoke.
The decay of the US began before WW2 with its showpiece city - New York controlled by the Mafia and crooked cops or lawyers such as a evil Roy Cohn who infected Donald Trump with his virus of disdain and hatred for a society that was easily fooled by such con artists who elected the repellent Reagan as president and allowed J Edgar Hoover to pretend he was as heterosexual as Roy Cohn asserted while dying of aids.
Myths - fables - and fairytales are okay for children and for the pious and the holy but they do not exist as reality in the world of adults nor does immortality reincarnation - predestination salvation in heaven souls and spirits or damnation.
When the bell rings you move towards your opponent and hit him to hurt him to damage his eyes and hope the referee will step in and get you a TKO win or hook him around the jaw and knock him senseless.
The invasion of the Ukraine was a shock to the US because it didn't expect Russia to invade its ally with a US puppet president so had to manufacture a fairy tale that the brave Ukraine was being ruined and children murdered in a Hollywood parody featuring a heroic Joe Biden.
A multitude of lies taunt the truth surrounded by allies the couch potatoes and the mice animatedly gnawing at cheese a la carte - at the scene.
The man behind the destabilisation of nations that refuse to sanction Russia is the ancient Nazi collaborator George Soros who initiated the original coup by installing an anti-Russian puppet president.
The seeds America's decline were sewn immediately after WW2 when it began to lose its moral compass due to a paranoid fear of the gradual infiltration of Communism.
Capitalist governments - particularly in America pretend they believe in a mythical Jesus described as a simple and charitable carpenter who overturned the money lender's table the epitome of the capitalist's worship of wealth.