
Showing posts from January, 2021


Inequality is the flavour of each goddamn day  in America where fantasy is the reality  greed is good and the truth is always avoided.  POETRY 

Reductio ad Absurdum

It appears the justice department is scared stiff of dealing with Hunter Biden's scams  so rather than blaming him they are ludicrously  censuring China for corrupting Biden  fearful of being sacked by his dad the president. POETRY 


Wallowing in a sea of sadness on a hazy afternoon  waiting for the tide to turn  automatically treading water a long way from shore  submerging to vomit forth  an ocean of sorrows to dissolve in the ebb and flow. POETRY 


Not satisfied with ripping you off your representatives  expect you to donate by panhandling and crying poor to cheat and rob you.  POETRY  


Americans have unwittingly replaced the deplorable Trump with a crook called Biden who has been involved in numerous scams in the Ukraine  China and also in Russia  with his drug addicted son that is being sidelined.  POETRY  


The American bully is still sanctioning Venezuela  and stupidly demanding it replace  the legally elected President Madura with Guaido  a ringin without any voter support because it wants to hijack their huge oil reserves. POETRY     

The Truth is a Liar

America is still pretending 9/11 was an attack  instead of a genocidal detonation  of the W T C with thermite demolition charges  by the G  W  Bush administration  and that the devastation of Syria was created by a revolt and not a U S invasion for which the Russians became the scapegoat . POETRY 

US Foreign Policy

Obama and Clinton destroyed Libya  besieged Syria  bombed Aleppo to rubble and using  ISIS as a proxy  persecuted and massacred civilians. POETRY   

The Price of Paradise

Hopes are lies masquerading as possibilities  ghosts that haunt and taunt  in a background soliloquy to a fabulous myth  never to be taken seriously by those with any appreciation of the absurd POETRY 

Sotto Voce

From the inside of a dream  you can see the screams  as sad visions of hauntings  scandalous but infectious  notoriously in motel rooms.  POETRY 


In the free world reality is a fantasy  what is right is wrong  and paradoxes compute reasons  to recondition reality  so it disappears or becomes a lie.  POETRY 


The US will never be free and democratic  until the people can vote for their choice  to represent them as president of America  not some crazy oligarch foisted on them  by Wall Street and the venal corporations. POETRY 

A Political Illusion

Of course Wall Street is elated  with the election of Biden  as American stooges eulogise  a descent into the abyss  not the resurrection of  a deity.  POETRY 

Quid Pro Quo

Biden is papering over the cracks  with no intention of acting progressively  by creating an illusion of progress  but continuing to destabilise Venezuela  and illogically proclaiming Guaido  as president and maintaining sanctions  because he wants to hijack the oil  a voracious and corrupt American thief known as degenerate gropin Joe.  POETRY 

Premature Celebrations

If the past is any indication the future beckons sarcastically after more than seventy years of infamy  only optimistic fools can deny the reality of capitalist villainy  ruled by fraudulent Wall Street puppets  who are not about to disappear into bowdlerised textbooks  so best be pessimistic and not hopeful  because atrocious crimes against humanity won't go away.  POETRY 


The past is always omnipresent  a recurring dream that mediates and modifies time planning each day  with lessons taught or forgotten. POETRY 

Representatives of Evil

Bill  Clinton massacred Americans at Oklahoma  incinerating many at Waco. George W Bush murdered Americans on - 9/11 and tortured Iraqis to death. Barack Obama used NATO to devastate Libya  then had Gaddafi lynched  bombed Aleppo to rubble before recruiting ISIS  to slaughter Syrian civilians  and allowed the killing of Ambassador Stevens.  POETRY   


The Branch Davidians were all incinerated  inside their compound at Waco - Texas  by flamethrowers from tanks and helicopter  gunships that deliberately assassinated  men - women - and children without mercy  on the orders of - President Bill Clinton  and an evil Attorney General - Janet Reno.  POETRY 


Bill Clinton authorized the FBI to detonate their explosives  destroy the federal building in Oklahoma  and massacre hundreds of American women and children then blame the patsy - Timothy McVeigh  who was arrested and eventually executed for discharging   a fertilizer bomb causing meager damage  in a wicked and notorious American miscarriage of justice.  POETRY 

War Criminals

Colin Powell lied to the United Nations  that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction  giving G W Bush an excuse to invade  commit war crimes against civilians and torture  at times to death at Guantanamo Bay.  POETRY 

A Crime Against Humanity

The former US President George W Bush  was responsible for the 9/11 disaster  and the death of Americans trapped inside the WTC and burned alive or forced  to jump - some in tandem - holding hands  so he must be arrested and charged  with both treason and first degree murder.  POETRY  POETRY 

Mind Control

Americans have been programmed to believe lies  as the truth from childhood  at school reading propaganda in the history books  on their television screens  and the lies published by mainstream newspapers has warped their faculties  to be slyly manipulated as pawns by demagogues.  POETRY 

The Eruption of Evil

Those professing to be devout Christians are frauds  gullible or simple minded dreamers  including some who imagine America is democratic  in a war between white supremacists  and the majority who believe it should be egalitarian.  

A Modern Sodom

To imagine Hillary Clinton as a democrat is ludicrous yet she decides party policy  pretending to support health care for every American  while opposing it ferociously  in collaboration with corrupt and villainous politicians  selected to act for lobbyists  political hypocrites who represent corporate America.  POETRY 


America seems to lack principles or ethical standards  the courts are dealing with horrendous crimes  children risk being kidnapped for sex with pedophiles  the prison population is the largest in the world  and courtesy is all that's left to pretend to be civilised  so please apologise before killing your victims  and be nice to any psychopaths you happen to meet. POETRY 


Honesty in American politics  is as real as an Aesop fairytale  yet not nearly as entertaining  so instead of ethical principles  they entrap with dollar signs  defy morality and prefer to live  as sanctimonious hypocrites  but by displacing one of them  another Wall Street puppet  waits to enter from the wings.  POETRY 


From Donna Frump to degenerate Joe  happy days are here again Americans can breathe the polluted air  of corrupt deals and scams  view biased mainstream disinformation and realise the truth is a lie  but can't erase seventy years of infamy.  POETRY 

The Big Con

Reason has no place in American politics  which is all spin with elections like Punch and Judy shows  black comedies  starring candidates chosen by Wall Street  to rule for them  as the charade catastrophically continues  printing money  for the corporations - banks - and the rich and removing it  from the hands of the hoodwinked victims.  POETRY 


An amazing race of processed Neanderthal cheeseburgers   who sentenced the Golden State rapist and assassin  to board and lodging for life as a reward for barbaric cruelty  who seem to imagine god is in the sky caring for them  because they are anticipating their family reunion in heaven  while continuing to live gaily in democratic America  unaware that religion and eternal life in paradise are myths  and that humans eventually evolved like all life forms  which is the reason some are sociopathic and psychopathic  but are all the programmed victims of totalitarianism  so are not divine creations by a deity in the Garden of Eden.  POETRY 


America has a huge population of biased bigots  mostly crazy thugs who see the world  through the distorted lens of resentful loftiness  prisoners of their self-inflicted egotism threatened by the proximity and ability of blacks  programmed with smugness and hate  to support Trump-style corrupt crony capitalism. POETRY 

Legalised Murder

Americans are being killed in a New York hospital  to increase COVID fatality statistics  and assist wealthy oligarchs to become wealthier  because more deaths are profitable for the greedy rich and their corrupt corporations.  POETRY  POETRY  for the greedy rich and their corrupt corporations. 


Shadows dissipate  and thoughts reappear in dreams and memories  that fluctuate inside the mind  some are diminished and fade into a state of negative obsolescence  and are modified or inhibited  others get promoted and link to the emotions of love - fear and anger.  POETRY 


The tale of Vicky Ward - investigative journalist  writing for Vanity Fair - interviewed two sisters  duped by Ghislaine Maxwell into a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein acting as their benefactor  who then sexually assaulted the underage girls  but Ward's saga was bowdlerized by an editor  Graydon Carter who was allegedly threatened.  POETRY